Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3

Sigh. Sunday night, and back at work. Super Bowl Sunday, no less. So it is freaking ass busy. I guess there were several parties in here and now everyone is either getting picked up or coming home from somewhere else. It's like, everyone go home - I'm trying to do stuff!! Turns out that Economics Chapter 4 quiz isn't due until like the 10th or something but I think I'm gonna try to get it done tonight. I really need to reread everything before I take the test. I just kinda skimmed through it enough to do the homework and all the first time.I have 2 Netflix movies that I've had for about 3 weeks now that I really should get around to watching, too. I just keep getting busy doing something and losing track of time. I'll get to them...eventually. 

So TK and I went by the house yesterday, and either they hadn't been there or they were there and left early. We couldn't tell that anything had been done, either. It was kinda cool though because we were able to walk through it. It was TK's first time! I think he's really getting excited about it now. We went all through it and I showed him where everything was going to be. I got a good picture of him standing in his room looking out of the window. Misadventure and Hiro came over when we got there and we fed them. Misadventure followed us into the house and walked around sniffing everything. I sent TH a picture of her in the bay window (aka the cat shelf) and he said yep, it figures :-) So she was officially the first kitty in the house. Went back to see the kitties. They want out so bad :-( Soon, little baby buttheads. If the schedule holds, we've only got about a month left!

Stopped and picked up a movie on the way home, and decided that since we had McDonald's Friday night we would just make nachos. Went home and played a little Lego Batman with TK until TH got home. We watched Seven Psychopaths. It was...interesting. Spoiler alert: it was basically a movie about somebody writing a movie. Again, for $1, pretty good. I haven't really found one lately that I would have paid to see in a theater though. That and the fact that I hate going to the movie theater. Too many annoying people, and screaming kids, and popcorn crunching. OMG it drives me crazy listening to TH and TK eat, and I love them. I would probably freaking lose it on a bunch of strangers, lol.

Hung out with TH for a little bit after the movie, then I went to bed when he did. TK stayed up because he wanted to play some Black Ops 2 multiplayer. It's a double weapon XP weekend, and he wanted to level up his shotguns to get diamond camo. I could not care less - I prefer playing custom games anyway, and you have access to pretty much any camo for any gun that way. As long as my gun has my little green dude on it and says FART (yeah, that's my clan/service tag, lol), I'm happy :-)

Woke up this morning and the daughter of the people we are staying with was there. She came over to wash her car and basically just be annoying. We hid in TK's room and played video games while she was there :-) I think she was going to wait for her parents to get home but they weren't going to be home til late. Lucky for us. She's the one that is OMG so loud. I don't get it. So we played a little Black Ops 2 zombies and a Team Deathmatch, then some Lego Batman. TK decided to take a nap, because it turns out that he stayed up almost all night last night. Dumbass. I played a little more Lego Batman by myself then took a nap. And then we're back I'm at work. Yeefuckinghaw ya'll.

TH went by the house on his way home from work and said it didn't look like they had done anything today, either. However, when the daughter was there earlier today she was asking about the house, and I told her she should drive by and look at it. She did, and put a picture on FB. Looking at her picture there weren't any construction guys that you could see, but there was a ladder on the front porch and a compressor and a few power tools in the yard. So they were there and did something, at least, because that stuff wasn't there yesterday or when TK went by tonight. Monday (tomorrow) the schedule calls for finishing out the cornice work and installing the dry sheet (tar paper type stuff) on the roof deck. As far as I can tell all that's left for the cornice work is to install the siding and the roof decking. I just wonder how that broken window is going to screw things up, because it seems like it would need to be replaced before the siding on that section can be installed. Maybe not, though. 

I finished that bottle of vodka Friday, and had 3 beers while we watched the movie Saturday night. I didn't buy anything else. I didn't drink anything today. We'll see how it goes.

House pictures!! Not a whole lot of difference with these, but still.

Looks like they did some more work on the soffets - the roof overhangs over the windows on the left and right

Inside! Looking down the hall to the master bedroom. AC closet boxed in on the left

Misadventure on the cat shelf!! The other kitties will never hear the end of this :-)

Song: Muse - Supermassive Black Hole. The video is...odd, but should be SFW. No boobies or anything.

Best thing: Not too tired tonight.

Worst thing: Freaking ass busy at work >:-(

Yep yep yep.

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