Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 1

Yeah, I know it's technically the next day, but this is for yesterday. So suck it :-P I think I'm gonna quit worrying about making sure stuff gets posted exactly on the right day. It might help me stay caught up. We'll see.

So I stopped by the house on the way home from work Friday, and saw Misadventure and Hiro!! I hadn't seen them both together in over a week. TH said he saw Hiro a few days ago though. I petted them and fed them, and I had just walked over to the house and gone through the front door when I hear this big truck sounding thing coming down the road. It was the framing guys with their trailer of stuff. They got there at 6:40!! I didn't even have time to walk around and look at everything :-( I talked to them for just a minute and then left, because I had parked in front of the driveway and they needed to unload stuff. Went by the store really quick and got home just as TH was leaving to take TK to school. I bought a box of donuts for the construction guys, so TH decided to go by there before he came back home and give them the donuts. And see what was going on, lol. When he got there they had unloaded the stuff they brought and started hanging the OSB (plywood type stuff) on the exterior of the house. They had windows and doors and siding and all kinds of stuff sitting around!!

TH got back and I hung out with him for a while and then took a nap. He drove by the house on his way to work and took a few more pictures. He said when he got there the guys were sitting in the living room eating lunch :-) I got up to go pick up TK and his buddy, but I got about halfway there and he called me from school. He said they wouldn't let him on the bus, and his buddy wasn't there. I guess because he hasn't ridden the bus at all this year, he's not on the list for the bus? He never had trouble riding it last year but he was still officially supposed to be riding it, because he started off the year riding it. Dunno. Not sure what happened to the buddy either. TK called his house and they just said he had to stay after school, and we never heard anything else. Weird. So we went by the house just to look, and took a few pictures. They had the house wrap up, and some of the windows and doors on!! Saw Misadventure again, and finally met the lady that moved in next door. She's a friend of the girls who own the house, and she just loves the kitties. TH has talked to her quite a bit, but I had only ever seen her from across the yard and waved. I like her :-) She said they miss the kitties, especially Jim Bob. Apparently he had pretty much moved in over there - he would come in and sleep with her teenage son at night! He's such a funny kitty :-)

Got home and played a little Black Ops zombies and Lego Batman with TK, then went back to the house about 7:30 to meet TH after he got off work. We walked through it in the dark. It was awesome!! They had installed the soffets and all of the rest of the doors and windows, and marked out in the kitchen and bathrooms where the appliances and cabinets and all were going to go. It's getting easier to kinda picture how everything is going to look! We've already figured out where the coffee pot is going to sit, and where we're going to hang a pot rack, and where the beds are going to go...ahem. Anywayyyy :-) Oh, and the absolute coolest thing ever? The back door in the kitchen is solid on the bottom, and has a window built into the top. There are miniblinds built into the glass!!! There's this little tab on the side that slides to open and close them. I have never seen anything like that before. It was awesome, and totally unexpected! We did find a broken window, the one on the front of the game room. We'll have to watch and make sure that gets replaced. Ran into the guy that lives across the street. He said it was so funny watching it, because it was like - he would leave for work one morning and there would be a slab there, then come home that afternoon and there would be walls all framed up!! I guess it's kinda entertaining, at least.

Stopped at McDonald's on the way home and got some chicken nuggets and fries. And buffalo sauce. Love their buffalo sauce!! Hung out with TH and played with all of the new pictures we took today. I have to say, at least I am keeping up with organizing all of the house pictures! We have 270 pictures so far, I think. Wonder how many we'll end up with by the time we're done? I figure, this is something most people will never have to go through - it's definitely something to document! This is like, family history or whatever. Plus, I like taking pictures :-) Stayed up a little while playing Black Ops 2 with TK, then went to bed. Yeehaw, lol.

House pictures!!!! Once again, so so many to choose from. This is getting hard, lol

Friday morning, from the front left. Starting the OSB, and corners wrapped in tar paper. That's the dining room bay window on the right, then the side dining room window looking through the house and out the kitchen window.
Mid-day Friday, the right side of the front porch. Most of the house wrap on and some of the soffet boards installed.

Friday afternoon. House wrap completed, and windows in!

Song: Finger Eleven - Paralyzer. Another random shuffle.

Best thing: House walkthrough in the dark with TH :-)

Worst thing: My foot kinda hurts. I think it's because I stand funny at work sometimes :-/


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