Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28

It's the last day of February! And my older brother's birthday, yay. I texted him Happy Birthday earlier and asked if this was the birthday that officially makes him old, or had it already happened. He says :-P, lol. He is 11 years older than I am, and has 5 kids ranging from 21-13. Oh and now, a 3 month old grandbaby!  I cannot even imagine that. I've been trying to think - 11 years from now I will be the age that he is now, and TK will be 24. Wow. And my sister's kids will be 12 and 13. Double wow. Wait, I actually think I'm confusing myself here. Never mind, then...

Well, I didn't really get anything done today, either. TH slept in this morning so I took TK to school. Last night I got an email from Sonic that they were doing half price popcorn chicken today, so I stopped on the way back and got us each a small spicy popcorn chicken and a Super Sonic breakfast burrito. (TH stopped and got some for TK after school) Nom :-) The chicken was pretty good, but it really wasn't what I would consider spicy. I dipped mine in some leftover McDonald's spicy buffalo sauce and it was much better. I ended up staying up until freaking almost 1:00 hanging out with TH, and then woke up at like 7:00 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I'm tired tonight. Kinda feel shitty again, so I don't know what the deal is. I stopped and bought some crackers (and paid $4 for them at 7-11!!) and a Sprite and I'm sitting here at work kinda trying to eat them. It seems like it doesn't matter how long I wait though, as soon as I pick up a cracker and take a bite, a car comes. Fucking people. They do the same thing when I go to the bathroom, too. I'm the only one here so I just kinda have to wait for a slow spot and run pee really quick. 9 times out of 10 when I come out there will be somebody sitting at the door waiting. It's so tempting when they get pissy about it to be like, "What? I had to take a shit, ok?" :-)

So we didn't go see the house. And TH decided not to go when he picked up TK. In the morning though we're going to take TK to school then go by there and prowl around. There really shouldn't be much going on, unless the driveway inspection passed and they're going to pour tomorrow. We looked online earlier though and it still says failed, so probably not. If the electrician finished all of his shit today like he was supposed to, the builder guys will be there early to unlock it for the electrical inspector dude. So we should be able to wander freely. And see the tile and the kitchen floors!!! I can't wait :-)

We had been talking about bar stools, and TH really liked the restaurant/diner style. We found these on Amazon, but got to looking around a little more and found the same ones at a restaurant supply place here locally. They're $10 cheaper, too. They said they usually have a few in store but if they don't have enough they can order some more and we can pick them up the next day. We're going to go check them out tomorrow. I'm still trying to decide if we should get 3 or 4. We really only need 3, but an extra one would be good. Once we get the table built it won't be as big a deal but for now it would be nice to have extra places for people to sit.

We got to looking at those dishes on again. This time it said that they were in stock at some of the stores near us so when I went to bed TH went to check it out. He didn't find them anywhere, but he stopped by Target to see what they had and found another set for about the same price that is similar, but the bowls are square. That's the one thing that really bugged me about the other set - the plates were square, the cups were kinda squared off, but the bowls were still round. Weird. I'm trying to decide which one I like better. I can't decide!!! The ones at Target are there, in store, so we can just go buy them. He played with them a little and said he likes the way that they feel - nice and heavy and solid. We may go check those out tomorrow, too.

Walmart dishes. No good pic of the bowls, but they're round and pretty much like the cups - brown on the outside and colored on the inside.

Target dishes. TH says they're a little more green than they look in this picture. The bowls are colored the same as the other ones, brown outside and colored inside, but square! 

So tomorrow afternoon I pick TK up and we go see my mom. Sigh. I told her earlier that I was planning on coming home Saturday evening instead of staying a second night. She's kinda disappointed but holy FSM I would go nuts if I stayed that long. Plus this way we can stay up Saturday night when we get back and play Black Ops, then I can sleeeep Sunday. Oh yeah and do laundry and all that BS, lol.

I can't think of anything else. No house pictures. Tomorrow, for sure! I need to do my Government discussion board before Saturday night, so I'll probably try to get it done tonight. I really need to try not to stay up too late tomorrow - if I get a decent nap maybe I won't be so cranky at mom's house. Again, sigh.

Song: The White Stripes - Jolene. Purty :-) It's a cover - it was originally done by (I think) Dolly Parton. I just can't be assed to Google it right now.

Best thing: One of the residents stopped and said she's never seen me with my hair down, but it looks really pretty this way :-) I usually have it back in a ponytail at work because it's really long and it gets in the way. I washed it tonight and left it down so it would dry completely. So that was unexpectedly awesome!

Worst thing: Feel kinda eh :-/


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