Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12

Sunday night, back at work. And holy crap I hadn't realized that I never wrote anything else last week. Not really much going on, but still. I've just been kinda blah lately so I dunno...

So let's see. Last week was pretty much just the usual. We had a big golf tournament here at work so I had people coming in early every morning setting up for it. So that was kinda annoying. It's been hot, dry and humid which is pretty much typical for this time of year. It still hasn't quite hit 100 yet but there's still time, lol. I'm hoping that since it didn't get as hot as early this year as it usually does that maybe we'll have a nice cool early fall :-)

Oh yeah. So Thursday morning TK and I went to Walmart to pick up a few grocery type things then went home and played for a while before I went to bed. Friday morning I got home and we hung out for a while then went swimming as soon as the pool opened. So that was fun :-) We also went by Gamestop to try to preorder the Collector's Edition of Black Ops 3 but it's apparently sold out like, fucking everywhere >:-( I really hope they decide to make a few more and that we can snag one because it's like, the coolest thing ever and I really want one. I know when they announced the Pip Boy Edition for Fallout 4 a while back, it sold out almost immediately and since then they've done a couple more waves of preorders. So I'm hoping!! Anyway...we got home and played Destiny until TH got home, hung out with him for a while and made leftover brisket fajita nacho things for dinner and watched the new Minions movie. It was funny :-) My boss buddy was supposed to be online later to play but I was tired so I went on to bed.

Saturday we got up kinda early, did some cleaning, laundry, and a little yardwork, and basically just hung out. We still had another brisket and some chicken to cook so we cut the brisket in half, saved the thinner half to grill later that night, and cut up what was left and ran it through our little grinder. We ended up with about 7 lbs of ground meat! I cooked and seasoned half of it (mixed with TVP to stretch it) and froze the other half raw for burgers or meatloaf or whatever. Seasoned up the chicken and the other half of the brisket, then sat outside cooking and goofing off. It was fun :-) The kitties really had fun because they got to stay out late. Normally we have them locked in by the time I leave for work around 9:00, so just before it starts to really get dark. So that was cool :-) We cooked all of that but for dinner we finished up the last of the chicken from last week and I made some biscuits and homemade mac and cheese to go with it. Nom. By the time we got finished with all of that I was tired so I went on to bed. So I didn't end up playing with my boss buddy at all this weekend, which kinda sucks :-(

Sunday I slept kinda late, got up and hung out with TH and TK, then took a quick nap before work. Super duper productive, huh? So now I'm here and it's actually not very busy, which is nice. And that's pretty much it for today, lol.

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: Classified, David Myles - Inner Ninja. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Had one of my residents stop by at work the other night and tell me I was her favorite guard because I'm always all happy and smiling and everything. So that was sweet :-)

Worst thing: Stupid sold out collector's edition >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

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