Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27

Ok yeah so I am seriously slacking off here. Still not really anything going on though so oh well. Basically I'm still here and still alive and still using MFP to track my calories and shit so yay! It's been 2 weeks as of today and I'm doing well! I'm still afraid to step on the scale because I have no idea how bad it got before I decided to get my shit together but I have noticed that my clothes are fitting a little looser and I feel a little better, so that's something at least. Oh and since once again I had gone off my meds I decided to start them back tonight. So hopefully I'm really gonna get my shit together this time...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 19

So once again it's Sunday night and I'm back at work. Ended up not writing anything else again last week. I guess it's just become a once a week kinda thing. I dunno, there's not really much going on plus I just haven't really felt like it lately. So there's that.

Basically last week was pretty much just work, sleep, hang out with TH and TK...the usual. We had kinda planned on trying to go swimming Friday but that didn't really work out. TK and I went to HEB early then just went home and played Destiny until TH got home. Hung out with him, made some nachos for dinner, and watched Jurassic World. It was pretty good. I mean, the movie itself was kinda meh but the dinosaurs were cool. Because dinosaurs :-)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12

Sunday night, back at work. And holy crap I hadn't realized that I never wrote anything else last week. Not really much going on, but still. I've just been kinda blah lately so I dunno...

So let's see. Last week was pretty much just the usual. We had a big golf tournament here at work so I had people coming in early every morning setting up for it. So that was kinda annoying. It's been hot, dry and humid which is pretty much typical for this time of year. It still hasn't quite hit 100 yet but there's still time, lol. I'm hoping that since it didn't get as hot as early this year as it usually does that maybe we'll have a nice cool early fall :-)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5

Sunday night, back at work. Sigh. At least though it's not as busy as it was Thursday night. Since July 4th was on a Saturday apparently everyone fucking took off Friday so it was busier than fucking dog shit. Plus the clubhouse here in the neighborhood had their fireworks display and shit so we had everyone coming in for that. I had kinda thought about getting here early enough to watch the show but I ended up staying up really late and sleeping until almost time to come to work. So whatever, lol.

So let's see. Friday morning I hung out here at work for a while talking to my boss buddy since I knew I wouldn't get stuck in any traffic by leaving late. Got home and woke TK up and we went by Randall's to get a couple of briskets that were on sale, stopped and got TK a haircut, then went by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played some Destiny until TH got home then went and picked up TK's buddy (and the buddy's little sister, lol) and went swimming! Yay :-) Dropped the little sister off on the way home and the buddy came over to spend the night. Which meant that they took over the game room so I didn't get a chance to play any more. It actually worked out alright though because I was seriously tired so I just hung out with TH for a while then went on to bed.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1

Wednesday night. Not really much of anything going on. I've gone home the last 2 mornings and stayed up too late playing Destiny with TK, slept til almost time to come to work, and done leftover type stuff for dinner. So, yeah. Super duper exciting, lol. It's rained a little bit every day, and managed to hit just about the time that we would be trying to go swimming. Sigh. The pool we go to is closed on Thursdays but I'm hoping that we'll be able to make it Friday. Because swimming!

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: Neon Trees - Songs I Can't Listen To. A new one!

Best thing: So my buddy who used to work here (R.) had a birthday last Friday, and our sheriff buddy's was Monday. I stopped and picked up some cupcakes and we had a little mini party Monday night :-)

Worst thing: Kinda tired :-(
