Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5

Monday night, back at work. Yay. And since yesterday was my birthday, I'm a year older than I was last week. Double yay, lol. It's cold out tonight but not too bad. The college kids are still in town but high school started back today so it's a little slower than it has been. I'm just glad that all of the holiday shit is over with so everything can go back to normal for a while.

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and TK was asleep so I took a quick nap. Got up around 8:30 and we went to take care of the kitties. Finished up there then stopped by Walmart for a couple of things. Got home and played a little GTA V then started cleaning up TK's room. Holy crap was his room horrible. He had kinda cleaned it up a while back but there was still a ton of stuff under the bed, and his closet was a nightmare. I guess the biggest problem was that when we moved in he had a bunch of shit just kinda crammed in boxes and it never really got unpacked properly, so it basically just all went to shit. So we bought some storage totes at Walmart to organize things and I told him I would help him get his shit together. Talk about fun, lol. So we worked on his room until after TH got home (he had to work late again), then we decided to order pizza for dinner. Nom :-) Hung out with TH for a little while, watched an episode of Chuck for movie night, then went on to bed kinda early. It stormed for a little while overnight but nothing serious. So that was cool :-)

Saturday I actually woke up really freaking early feeling like absolute crap :-( I'm pretty sure it wasn't the flu or anything like that because I didn't have any fever. So I dunno what it was. TH woke up eventually and I just kinda sat around for a while and hung out with him. Woke TK up around 1:00 or so and we decided to go to a discount furniture place to look at some futons that we saw on Craigslist. TK's bed is a queen, which is really too big for his bedroom. I mean, it was free and I'm glad we had it while we did, but it was time for something different. We had been thinking about a futon because that would give him a lot more space in his room. We also kinda wanted to get rid of the old crappy (but also free) blue couch that we have in the game room and we were thinking that a futon would work well in there too. So off we went to look around. Well, after much deliberating we ended up buying 2 futons and a new coffee table/ottoman type thing for the living room. And no, we didn't pay anything close to those prices, lol. Stopped by Walmart on the way home for some more storage totes, then got home and finished up TK's room. Watched another episode of Chuck for movie night and then TH watched a movie and TK and I went to go play. We ended up staying up until around 3:00 or so.

Sunday we got up kinda early and moved the bed out of TK's room, the couch out of the game room, the coffee table out of the living room, and did a little last minute cleaning and vacuuming. We had scheduled delivery of the new stuff for 4-6 pm but they called around 1:00 and asked if we wanted to do it early because they had a cancellation. Sure, lol. So the stuff showed up and we got everything put together. That was fun, lol. Finally got everything cleaned and rearranged the way we wanted it, then TH went to pick up some boneless wings from Sonic for my birthday dinner. Super nom :-) We watched the first Predator movie for movie night then I went on to bed because I was still feeling crappy. Sigh. But TK's room and the game room look AWESOME!! I really need to try and remember to get some pictures...

Monday I woke up when TH left for work and stayed up for a little bit. Went back to sleep for a while then got up again, cleaned up the kitchen, played with TK until TH got home, then hung out with him for a while. Tried to take another quick nap before work but I never could fall asleep. So I'm still feeling crappy and now I'm tired. But at least it's not as busy as it has been, so that's something.

So eventually we want to put up some shelves in the game room to display some of our nerd shit. First though we're going to do a couple of sets in TK's room for all of his stuff. We ordered him a desk (the black one) today that should be here by the end of the week or so, and I think we're going to try to get all of the shelf stuff for his room later this week. It's supposed to be super cold and rainy next weekend so that will be a good time to stay home and do shit, lol.

Noms for the weekend: Nope. Should have stuff though starting tomorrow. So yay! And I know I've said it before, but I finished the last of my beer and shit today so I don't plan on buying any more for a while. We'll see how it goes...

Song: Rise Against - Savior. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Everything at home looks so awesome!!

Worst thing: Tired and sicky :-(


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