Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29

Thursday night! And since TK decided that he doesn't really want to go on the field trip tomorrow we're just going to let him stay home from school :-) Their grade is going to a kinda-sorta theme park type thing. Basically it's like Gatti Town but with bumper boats and arcade games and shit. It was going to cost $30 and they were only going to be there for like 4 hours. So he decided it wasn't really worth it. I kinda wanted to figure out something to go do tomorrow but I haven't thought of anything yet. Maybe like, go hiking or something before TH has to go to work at 2:00. Dunno.

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. We only have like 8 or 9 episodes left!! Then we need to find something new to watch. Hmmmm, lol. Went to bed around noon and got up at 8:00. TH did make dinner!! He made a sausage meatloaf type thing and some more jalapeno cream cheese puffs. Nom nom nom :-) And now I'm at work. Yay for almost being the weekend!!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - chorizo and egg breakfast taco on a low carb tortilla. Iced coffee on the way to work. For dinner I brought a couple of jalapeno cream cheese thingies and some meatloaf.

Song: Cake - The Distance. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: I saw last night that Origin is giving away Battlefield 3 and Plants vs Zombies (PC downloads) so I snagged a copy of each one. I don't even know for sure if any of our computers will run them, but now I have it in just case I ever get to upgrade :-)

Worst thing: These fucking little flying bug thingies at work are driving me fucking crazy!! I brought a citronella candle tonight though so hopefully it will help some.


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