Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26

So today is Memorial Day, which meant no school for TK. It also meant holiday pay (time and a half) for TH and I. Yay! So last night ended up being pretty busy with kids running in and out all night. It rained off and on most of the night, too. So far tonight it has been pretty slow, which is nice. I guess everyone's home early because they all go back to work and school tomorrow. At least the drive home this morning was nice and quiet :-)

So everyone was asleep when I got home this morning but TH woke up right after I got there so I hung out with him for a while. Went to bed pretty early but it started storming around 10:30 so I got up for a while. Kinda hard to sleep when it sounds like the apocalypse going on outside, lol. The storms finally stopped sometime after noon and I went back to bed, slept until almost time for TH to get home, made burgers and roasted cauliflower for dinner, and now I'm at work. There's another band of storms headed this way but it's moving very slowly so we may not see anything until later. Probably right about the time I'll be getting off work in the morning. Which will be just lovely :-/ Other than that, not much going on. TK's buddies came by again today and he hung out with them for a while. I'm not 100% sure about these kids - they're kinda obnoxious. I did tell them that they need to start texting him to see if he can hang out instead of just coming over and ringing the doorbell because I'm usually asleep during the day. We'll see if it sunk in or not.

Noms for the day: Cheese, pepperoni, and peanuts for breakfast. A hamburger on a flax bun and roasted cauliflower for lunch. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought some leftover cauliflower and some jello.

Song: Portugal. The Man - Purple Yellow Red & Blue. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: We did get lots of rain, which we needed!

Worst thing: Stupid storm kept me awake >:-(


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