Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7

Monday night, and I'm back at work. This is my short week - since I worked last Friday for the other guy, he worked Sunday night for me. So yay! It's nice and cool and a little windy out tonight. We had a pretty good line of thunderstorms roll through earlier this evening. TH actually had to pull over for a little bit on his way home from work because of the wind, rain, and hail. I think they said that there were almost 10,000 people in the area without power right after the storm. Luckily not us, though :-)

So Saturday morning when I got home TK was still asleep. I took a nap until about noon, woke TK up, made some breakfast, and we went...geocaching!!! We used to go all the time when TK was younger but we haven't done it in probably 8 or 9 years. I forgot how much fun it is! We only went looking for 3 caches but we found all 3 :-) Next weekend we'll probably do a few more. So we did that, went to feed the ducks, and stopped by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played some Pixelmon until TH got home, then had wings for dinner and watched Reasonable Doubt for movie night. It was ok, but not great. TK's buddy showed up about halfway through it to spend the night so I went on to bed when TH did.

Sunday we slept late then just kinda hung out at home. I did some cleaning and laundry, we played Pixelmon for a while, then I made pizza before TH got home. We started watching 3 Days to Kill but it was boring so we switched over to Lost, lol. TH went to bed and TK and I played Pixelmon until he had to go to bed. I ended up staying up until about 4:30 playing Pixelmon by myself. It was nice :-)

Monday morning TH got up with TK and I ended up sleeping until TK got home. We hung out for a while and played a little Pixelmon, got thunderstormed on, and I made fajitas for dinner before TH got home. And now I'm at work.

Noms for the weekend: Totally keto!! I gave TH the piece of cheesecake that one of the residents brought me.

Song: The Killers - Runaways. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Geocaching!!

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


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