Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13

Sunday night, back at work. So far it's been nice and quiet here which is good. They were talking about a chance for some storms earlier but most of them stayed off to our north. There's a cold front coming through later tonight/early tomorrow morning though that could kick off some storms. And afterwards it's supposed to be cold and windier than fuck for a few days. Lovely :-/

So Friday morning I got home and got TK off to school, watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH, then we went and did our banking stuff. We went by Compass to close our account but first they told us about a new low interest personal loan that they had available. We figured we could use it to pay off all of the little piddly stuff and consolidate everything into one payment so we applied for it. We weren't approved though, lol. So we closed that account. Went by the credit union and finalized the credit card offer. After that we just kinda hung out until Logan's opened at 11:00. Then we had lunch! I had a steak with spicy blue cheese topping and grilled veggies, and TH had a steak with french fries and macaroni and cheese. So I stayed totally keto, yay! Got home and he left for work and I took a nap until TK got home from school. Played a little Minecraft with him until TH got home, made a frozen pizza for dinner (I had leftover jalapeno cream cheese thingies), and we watched The Nutjob. It was cute :-) I was still tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Saturday we slept a little late, did a load of laundry, then went geocaching again! It was fun :-) Stopped by Walmart on the way home and looked at toys, and I found 2 more little stuffed My Little Pony unicorns. These 2 are a little smaller than the first ones I bought but that's ok. Now I have 4, lol. Got home and played a little Minecraft until TH got home, made nachos for dinner (I had frozen wings), and watched a couple of episodes of Lost. TH went to bed and I stayed up for a little while playing with TK.

Sunday we slept kinda late (again), did some more laundry and cleaning, and played Minecraft for a while. I took a nap until TH got home and he made some cheese sauce for them to have for dinner. I made sausage and eggs to bring to work with me. Hung out with them for a while and now I'm at work.

Oh, and on Saturday we got the finger flashlights that we had ordered from Amazon. We're going to use them as trading items the next time we go geocaching! If we ever find a regular sized cache, that is. So far all of the ones we've found have been small ones. It's still awesome though :-)

Hmmm...Dunno what else. I brought the little pedal exerciser thingie to work with me again. So far I've used it every night that I've brought it. 3 nights now! Yay :-) Oh and.....I'm down another couple of pounds. 371.0! My lowest so far :-)

Noms for the weekend: Totally keto!! Even going out to dinner. I bought some keto friendly ice cream on Saturday but I haven't tried it yet. Nom nom nom!

Song: Ume - Black Stone. A new one!

Best thing: Still losing!!

Worst thing: Feet are kinda sore. Not too bad, though.


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