Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3

Monday night. It's not as cold and windy as it was last night, thankfully. Just kinda cool and kinda windy. trying to rain a little bit, too. Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty warm and then another front comes through tomorrow night making it fucking ass cold again. They're even talking about a chance for more icy shit Thursday and/or Friday mornings. Lovely, lol.

So I got home this morning and TH was still asleep so I cleaned up the kitchen, made some chocolate peanut butter bites, got TK up and off to school, then once TH got up just kinda hung out with him for a while. I ended up going to bed later than I had planned (big surprise) and got up a little bit after TK got home. He was busy playing Pixelmon and I was still tired so I went back to bed for a while. Got up again when TH got home, ate some leftover pork fajita stuff, and now I'm at work. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake TH up and go to bed earlier. He seems to be feeling better than he was last night, at least.

When I got to work tonight I discovered that someone had left the little fridge open earlier today and everything in the door was hot. Which included a couple of my chocolate peanut butter bites (they seriously melt when the get warm) and half a carton of whipping cream that I put in my coffee >:-( We've been needing to defrost it for a while now but it's always full. While it was open today though it built up enough extra ice that the door wouldn't close. So I pretty much had to do it tonight. We have another tiny little fridge that the old site supervisor left here that has nothing but bottles of water in it, but it's full of ice, too. So I had to drag that one outside and defrost it before it could even hold the stuff that was in the big one, so I could defrost the big one. Does that even make sense? So that's pretty much what I'm doing with my night. Sigh. Although you do have to appreciate the humor in trying to defrost a fridge when it's like 30-something degrees outside XD

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Half a bowl of pork fajita stuff for dinner - 4 or 5, probably. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought the rest of the fajita stuff on a salad. So no more than 8, probably.

Song: Fitz and the Tantrums - The Walker. Another new one!

Best thing: Slept longer than I had intended to, but it must have been pretty good sleep because I'm not tired tonight :-)

Worst thing: They left the stupid fridge open >:-(


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