Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17

Monday night, and I'm back at work. That feels weird to say, lol. I've been messed up all weekend forgetting which day was which. I kinda hate schedule changes because they hurt my brain :-/

So I got home Saturday morning and went to bed fairly early. Slept until about 2:00 when TK woke me up after his buddy left. Hung out with him for a while, waiting for the new version of Pixelmon to release. Played that until TH got home then made nachos (pork rind nachos for me) and watched Free Birds for movie night. It was actually cuter than I thought it was going to be! I was still tired so I went to bed pretty much when TH did.

Sunday I actually got up kinda early. Did some laundry, vacuumed, and cleaned the house up some. Played some Black Ops 2 with TK for a while then made a batch of flax buns, a cream cheese crust pizza, and a regular crust pizza for dinner. TH got home and we watched Ride Along. It was pretty good too :-) TH went to bed and TK and I played some Minecraft until he had to go to bed. I stayed up most of the night playing Black Ops 2. It was awesome :-)

Monday morning TH got up and got TK off to school and I slept until TK got home. He was feeling kinda crappy so he just played some Pixelmon and I basically just hung out and watched him. I'm afraid he's trying to get sick :-/ I made some chorizo/veggie/enchilada type stuff for dinner. TH got home and had dinner and now I'm at work. I'm so excited, can't you tell? /s

Other than that not really much going on. Today is my mom's birthday so I texted with her for a while. I'm still planning on going to see her Friday after I get off work so I need to figure out something to get for her. Sigh. I kinda really have no idea.

I'm thinking that if TK wakes up sounding like he did tonight we probably won't send him to school. TH came home from work today sounding a little snotty, too. I'm pretty sure it's not the flu but I guess it's whatever is going around? No fun, for sure :-(

Song: Nirvana - Come As You Are. Random shuffle again.

Noms for the weekend: Stayed keto the whole time!

Best thing: Quiet video game time by myself :-)

Worst thing: Sick peoples, maybe :-(


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