Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15

Holy crap I am tired tonight. I stayed up wayyy later than I should have today :-/ It's busy here at work again, which is just freaking lovely. It's cooler out too but the humidity is gone so it feels nice. I think it's supposed to be nice again tomorrow and then there's a pretty good chance for rain the next couple of days. At least if it rains and I decide to go driving I don't have to worry about washing my car, lol.

Got home this morning and TK was awake so I hung out with him for a little while then took Jim Bob and Umbra to the vet. They seemed to think Jim Bob was fine, so if he had a cold or something at some point he was pretty much over it already. Yay! Umbra, however, does have some kind of upper respiratory thing. They didn't seem to think it was very serious though because he's not running a fever and his appetite and activity level are good. Lol, no kidding :-D They went ahead and gave him a shot of antibiotics just to make sure it doesn't develop into something more serious though. So that was good. Finished up there and stopped by HEB because Hot Pockets, lol. Got home and ate lunch and just kinda hung out for a while until I was tired enough to go to sleep. Woke up around 8:00 or so, took a shower, and hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. Oh, and at one point today I had Jazz, Umbra, Zoe, and Hiccup all sleeping with me :-)

Noms for the day: MFP. Yeah, I know.

Song: Green Day - When I Come Around. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: No seriously sick kitties!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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