Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 26

Ugh. I really didn't get any more sleep today so I'm tired again tonight. Sigh. On the bright side though, TK had a much easier time with school today. So yay! I kinda supervised the Algebra lesson from yesterday but we didn't make it to today's lesson so he's still one day behind in that. We should be able to get caught up tomorrow though. He managed to finish up everything else except the Spanish assignment, which was to record a short intro (in English, lol) and submit it through Dropbox. We don't have a working mic so we had to order one. We should get it tomorrow so he'll be able to finish that part. Plus he sat through 2 Live Lessons. There should have been 3 but one of them never showed that the teacher logged on. So that was weird, lol. All in all though, it was a pretty good day. He's getting more comfortable with it and starting to feel like he might actually be able to do this :-)

So let's see. I got home this morning and everyone was asleep so I went on to bed. I figured TH would be up fairly early so he could wake TK up to get started. Woke up around 12:00 or so and TK had done some of his schoolwork and then went to take a nap, lol. He had a Live Lesson at 1:00 so I woke him up in time for that. TH left for work and TK did the Live Lessons, we did a little Algebra, then we went to get something for dinner. Because fuck cooking, and it sounded good :-P TK wanted a chicken sandwich from Whataburger and I got...a Subway sandwich. Yeah so, I think I'm gonna give up the keto thing for a while, at least, and just kinda try to track calories or whatever. Basically just eat smart, lol. Except for today. Today was like, junk food make-up day  ¯\()/¯  Got home and hung out for a while, played a little GTA V until TH got home, then hung out with him until it was time to come to work. And now I'm sitting here trying not to fall asleep because holy shit I am fucking tired. It's nice and quiet again though, which is nice!

Oh, so there's supposed to be a decent chance of rain and a "cold front" in the next few days. Some areas of town got a little bit today but all it did at our house was thunder for a while. Maybe tomorrow though :-)

Noms for the day: So I've decided that the easiest way to do this would be to link to my My Fitness Pal diary every day. So here we go...ouch. Remember, today was my "bad" day, lol.

Song: Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out. Random shuffle.

Best thing: School thing is going well!

Worst thing: Forgot my freaking iced coffee at home! And I could seriously use the caffeine tonight :-(


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