Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23

Sunday night again. It was hot Friday and Saturday but a front blew through today so it's kinda windy and cool again. It's nice :-) I think there was like a 40% chance of rain but we never got any here in town. A couple of places further out got a little bit. Not nearly enough to have any effect on the lakes, though. We need for it to rain for like a week straight, then maybe we can finally break this stupid drought and get the lakes filled back up.

So Friday morning I got home and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched 3 or 4 episodes of Lost with TH. He left for work and I took a nap until TK got home. We played some Black Ops 2 for a little bit then I made nacho stuff for dinner. I had started some pork for carnitas in the crock pot before I went to bed so we had that on the nachos. After I pulled it out of the crock pot I threw in some chicken thighs to cook in the leftover juices. Now we have about 4.5 pounds of cooked chicken to use for dinners all week :-) TH got home and we watched Anchorman 2. Well, part of Anchorman 2. TH fell asleep about halfway through it and I just gave up. There were a few funny parts but it was really just kinda stupid :-/ After that I was still tired so I went to bed when TH did.

Saturday we had to get up early because TK had a thing at school he had to be at. He's on the yearbook staff and they were having a special work day to get everything finished up. So I dropped him off at that and went by Sam's to pick up a few things. Got home and just kinda hung out and watched some Hulu until time to pick him up. After we got home we played some Pixelmon for a while and then I made pizza. TH got home and we watched Homefront. It was good! TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up late playing more Pixelmon :-)

Sunday we slept pretty late, did some cleaning and laundry, then played Pixelmon until TH got home. We had leftovers for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking. I'm at work! Surprise, surprise, lol.

Noms for the weekend: Keto all weekend!!

Song: Nelly - E.I.. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: The other guy at work wasn't sick Friday night so I didn't end up working.

Worst thing: So I was home from Friday morning until Sunday night. Guess when my freaking period started? Yep, like 3 hours before I went back to work Sunday night. Fucker >:-(


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