Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6

So...yeah. Still here, and all that shit. Just really haven't felt like writing. Dunno why, either. Everything's been going ok, I've just been kinda...blah. So there's that.

So let's see. TK and I are still doing the Petsmart volunteer thing. We go over there on Tuesday and Thursday mornings right after I get off work. We rejoined the Y (I forget if I had said that already?) and we go over there to swim once or twice a week. It's actually pretty awesome because early in the mornings there aren't really too many people in the indoor pool. That's probably going to change though once it starts cooling off because I'm pretty sure the little senior exercise classes will move indoors. Those things get pretty busy :-/ So we'll have to decide if we're just going to deal with it or brave the outdoor pool again. It's heated, which will help, but still...

We're still doing the fostering thing, too. Our first little group (the 3 Siamese) went back about a month ago. We got a group of 3 little feral kittens at the beginning of July, plus a sweet little fuzzy orange dude from someone on Craigslist. A couple of weeks later we got a slightly older semi-feral female from the same area as the feral babies, They're all pretty much ready so they'll go back either this Thursday or next, Then we'll see what we end up with next :-)

We've been playing a ton of Pokemon Go since it came out. It's had a few problems here and there but if nothing else it gets us out of the house messing around. I think we've done more hiking and shit in the last few months than we have in a long time. Plus, I mean, come on. You get to play with Pokemon, lol.

Oh, and I got a new toy! An Instant Pot! I had been looking at them for a while and I finally broke down and bought one a few weeks ago. We got the DUO-60, so it's a 6 quart like my crockpot. And it is freaking awesome! So far I've only made a handful of things in it but yeah, totally worth the money. I even gave away my crockpot, since it has a slow cooker function. But it makes hard boiled eggs that are super easy to peel, a batch of chili from dried beans in less than an hour, frozen chicken breast in like 20 minutes...we're gonna have so much fun with this thing!!

I'm sure there's more but I really can't think right now. So, yeah. I should probably get back in the habit of trying to write at least every few days. We'll see how it goes, lol.

Song: Da Vinci's Notebook - Title of the Song, And, you can thank TK for this one, lol.

Best thing: Kitties and kitties!!!

Worst thing: Kinda blah...


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