Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. So let's see. Friday I went home and TK and I just kinda hung out all day. We got the house and the little ferret cage cleaned up getting ready for a new batch of kittens, then played some Destiny and stuff until TH got home. We made homemade pizza and watched...something. Fuck if I can remember, lol. Ended up going to bed kinda late.

Saturday we got up and did a little more cleaning and laundry and all that. I hung out with TH then read for a while. I had kinda been waiting all day to hear from the rescue lady about the kittens and juuuust when I had given up and was ready to go to bed, she called. So we went to pick up kitties at like 9:30, lol. Got home and played with them a little then stuck them in the ferret cage so they could settle in overnight. So I ended up going to bed around midnight, just to get up at 3:00 to go do the newspaper thing. Le sigh...

Did I mention the newspaper thing? So on Sunday mornings we've started doing a short little route that runs along the area where TH and I work. It's basically just a section of someone's larger route, and the guy's paying us directly so that he has more time to finish everything else since Sundays take sooooo long to do. It's got about 15 home throws and like 7 stores and only takes about 2 1/2 hours. Of course we spend a little time here and there chasing Pokemon, lol. So it's a little extra cash every week and an adventure :-) So Sunday morning TK and I got up and did that, got home and made some breakfast, hung out with TH until football started, and managed to watch almost a whole game before I had to go to bed :-( So I was super fucking tired last night :-(

This morning I was still tired and TK was asleep so I just went home. Ate some breakfast, read for a while, then slept. Got up when TH got home and made some rice and BBQ chicken breast (from frozen!) in the Instant Pot. The whole thing took like, half an hour. Freaking awesome :-) And now I'm at work.

So...the kittens! They are freaking adorable, holy crap! They're probably about 4-5 weeks old, 4 black boys and a black and white girl. And they are soooooo friendly! We kept them in the cage overnight Saturday then let them out Sunday. And they adapted very quickly! Sunday TH and I were sitting on the couch watching football and they were just crawling all over us and sleeping on us. It's kinda nice to have babies that aren't afraid of us :-/ These guys don't really need to be socialized, they just need to grow some to be able to be fixed and vaccinated. So we probably won't have them more than a few weeks. They're definitely fun, though!

Annnnd, I guess that's pretty much it. We go do Petsmart kitties tomorrow and then I hope I can get some decent sleep. Dunno why but I kinda slept like crap today :-(

Song: twenty one pilots - Heathens. A new one!

Best thing: New kittens!!

Worst thing: Sooooo tired...


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