Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3

Okey freaking dokeys. It is Thursday night, and I am fucking off work this weekend! Finally, lol. So I survived the 12 days straight and honestly, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I'm a little tired but not too bad. I actually ended up staying up til almost noon most days so I was able to hang out with everyone and get a little stuff done around the house. But yeah I am definitely looking forward to not going to work for 2 days!!

So they hired a new guy for 4 of our 6 open shifts, and one of the flex officers is going to be available to work the other 2. At least for this weekend, lol. The new guy actually showed up for training this morning so that's a good sign. Either way though, if something happens and they need something covered this weekend I've already told them that they're on their own. Let someone else have a turn, lol. But then I found out tonight that my boss (who has only been in charge for...maybe 6 months?) is leaving in 2 weeks. So I don't know who they're going to try to promote to site supervisor. I don't want it because I don't want the responsibility and I don't want to work days. The other guy here doesn't want it because he doesn't want to work days either. It would be a $2/hour raise, which would be nice, but there are just too many people to deal with during the day. I like my nice quiet night shifts :-)

So let's see. I got home a couple of days this week and made dinner before I went to bed. Monday I roasted some chicken breasts and a couple of big pans of veggies for us to eat all week. Wednesday I made a cheesy potato sausage casserole type thing loosely based on this, but left out the cubed cheese and used our cheese sauce instead of a white sauce. That was dinner one night and lunches for work the next day, lol. We finished up the roasted veggies tonight but there's still some chicken left so I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it for dinner tomorrow night. Then I have a big pork shoulder roast that I'm going to throw in the crock pot this weekend to eat off of next week. Yay for cooking, lol.

Last weekend we installed the pullout basket/shelf thingies for the pantry and one of the small lower cabinets. And holy shit they are awesome! I wish we had done this right after we moved in, lol. I still need to get some good pictures though! So then today the 2 double units for the 2 biggest lower cabinets where we store pots and pans were delivered so we should get them installed this weekend. Then we're just waiting on one more double unit for the last lower cabinet, which should be here one day next week. Although I think I want to take some measurements and see if a single basket unit will fit under the sink cabinet. Because that would be nice. Also, we found a pretty little bakers rack to set the microwave on and that was delivered today too. So we have our little projects for the weekend, lol.

This morning TK and I got out and went to Sprouts because they have asparagus on sale. Nom :-) It looks like the first little asparagus of the season or something because it's all so little and cute! At least it won't be tough, though. We hadn't really planned on grilling this weekend so I think I'm just going to roast it. I also picked up a couple of sweet potatoes and I'm curious to try roasting chunks of them. I know I like them baked, at least. I also grabbed a bunch of kale and I'm going to try to make kale chips. Everyone says they're soooooo easy, so I guess we'll see, lol. After Sprouts we were going to go to Target but it was too early (since they don't open until freaking 8:00) so we just went by Walmart for a few things. I think tomorrow morning we're going to go mess around a little bit more. TK needs a haircut and I'm actually thinking about cutting mine, too. Eeek!! Right now it's over halfway down my back but I might just go get it chopped off. Maybe leave just enough to pull back into a ponytail. I've got until in the morning to decide...

So, that's pretty much it. Woohoo, lol. 6 1/2 hours to go and I am fucking out of here!!

Noms for the days: Yep!! Just over a month now. Yay me :-)

Song: Hinder - Lips Of An Angel. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Weekend!!!!

Worst thing: So TK found some kind of little...critter type thing in one of the cabinets this morning :-/ He pulled out a bowl and they were just, like, there. Best I can tell is it might be some kind of moth larvae or something so I need to pull everything out of that cabinet tomorrow and scrub it down...

Yep yep yep.

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