Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 9

Lol yep, still here. Still nothing much going on. I took off work this past Sunday (2-7) for the Super Bowl, so that was cool. TH, TK, and I made a bunch of little appetizers and watched the game. Denver beat Carolina, yay! TK and I went to spend the day with my mom one Friday, but we didn't spend the night so it wasn't too bad. She's still doing alright. So other than that it's pretty much been work, sleep, and hang out with TH and TK. We did rearrange the kitchen a few days ago, moving the microwave out onto a little stand in the dining room. That pretty much doubled our counter space. So that was awesome :-) The kitchen looks so nice and roomy now! I'll have to get some pics.

So, yeah. That's pretty much it. This week I'm working Friday night (boo) because they didn't have anyone else to cover it. But then I'll be off again Sunday in exchange, so I still only work 5 days this week. Yay, lol.

Noms for the days: YEP!!! Some better than others but at least I'm tracking again?

Song: Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence. So apparently their new album has a Simon & Garfunkel cover. I likes!!

Best thing: Yay for Super Bowl "party"!!

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


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