Saturday, February 27, 2016

February 27

Well, poop. So, I was off all of last weekend. Yay! However, our super annoying guy quit last Sunday so this week there were 48 hours of overtime to go around. I volunteered for the Friday and Saturday night shifts so as of right now I'm on day 7 of (at least) 12. Not sure what's happening next week but if we don't have anyone new hired I may end up splitting the weekend nights with one of the other guys so I get at least one day off. Kinda sucks while it's going on but the paychecks will be nice, lol. So basically this last week has been work, sleep, and hang out with TH and TK when I can. Super freaking exciting, lol.

So TH and I had been thinking about redoing the pantry. It's basically just a small, deep closet so everything gets shoved in there and there's no organization at all. So, we bought a couple of sets of these. We got them installed today but didn't get it reloaded so right now there's still shit stacked all over the counters, lol. The pantry had 4 shelves on the bottom and 2 on the top. We got 2 sets of the double racks for the bottom and a single rack to go on the bottom shelf of the top (does that even make sense?) then left the very top shelf as is. The top is where we store all of the tall canisters of like flour and shit so I really didn't think we needed one up there. We're also going to get them to go in all of the bottom cabinets too. All of the bottom cabinets have the regular bottom shelf but then only a narrow top shelf at the very back so there's lots of wasted space. The sizes that we need aren't carried in store though so we had to order them. I think they're supposed to be here next weekend, maybe? So that'll be awesome :-)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18

Thursday night! Yay, lol. So I don't know who is working this Friday night but since nobody has asked me to do it yet, I don't care. So yay for a normal weekend :-) So let's see. Not really much going on again. Last weekend was Valentine's Day so I bought some chocolate and little stuffed animals for TH and TK. They bought me a fuzzy Hello Kitty blanket :-) We bought a big pork shoulder roast and ground it up to make burgers and sausage. So that was fun :-) My buddy here at work has been on vacation all week and he comes back Saturday night. He might come over tomorrow night and hang out, which would be cool. So, yeah. Super duper exciting, lol.

Noms for the days: Yep! And I don't have an official starting weight, but I know I've lost at least 5 lbs because I remember seeing a higher number at one point than the scale shows now :-)

Song: Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk. Cause why not?

Best thing: Thursday night!!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired but not bad.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 9

Lol yep, still here. Still nothing much going on. I took off work this past Sunday (2-7) for the Super Bowl, so that was cool. TH, TK, and I made a bunch of little appetizers and watched the game. Denver beat Carolina, yay! TK and I went to spend the day with my mom one Friday, but we didn't spend the night so it wasn't too bad. She's still doing alright. So other than that it's pretty much been work, sleep, and hang out with TH and TK. We did rearrange the kitchen a few days ago, moving the microwave out onto a little stand in the dining room. That pretty much doubled our counter space. So that was awesome :-) The kitchen looks so nice and roomy now! I'll have to get some pics.

So, yeah. That's pretty much it. This week I'm working Friday night (boo) because they didn't have anyone else to cover it. But then I'll be off again Sunday in exchange, so I still only work 5 days this week. Yay, lol.

Noms for the days: YEP!!! Some better than others but at least I'm tracking again?

Song: Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence. So apparently their new album has a Simon & Garfunkel cover. I likes!!

Best thing: Yay for Super Bowl "party"!!

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.
