Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12

Holy crap I still feel like shit. Sigh. And now TK has had whatever this shit is for the last couple of days. And and and, now TH is starting to come down with it. I'm gonna be so glad when it's finally gone. We don't get sick much but it seems like when we do, it sticks around for a while. Double sigh...

So let's see. Last Friday TK and I went to HEB early then just went home and kinda hung out for a while. Seems like we actually took a nap before TH got home, lol. We thought about having my buddy from work come over to hang out but nobody really felt like it. So TH got home and we watched a movie then went on to bed.

Saturday morning we got up early and went to Golden Corral for breakfast! So that was kinda cool :-) After that we went and met a lady from Craigslist and get another guinea pig! She wanted to find a new home for him because her kid just didn't play with him anymore. So we got the piggie, some extra food and hay, a big C & C cage, and a set of fleece liners for the bottom of the cage. All for $25! The liner things are awesome because they take the place of the wood shavings or whatever that you would usually use for bedding. Of course we find these after we just bought a giant fucking bag of shavings, but whatever, lol. So we got home and introduced the piggies and there was a little bit of drama, but no real fights or anything else. By the end of the day they had settled down and they were eating out of the little hay rack together. So yay :-) We set up the big cage in the living room and let them run around in there all day while we watched the first round of playoff games. The kitties were interested but didn't bother them too much. It didn't come with a lid so we moved them back to the small cage when we went to bed. TH stopped by Home Depot today though and bought some wire shelving that we're going to make into a lid. So hopefully by this weekend they'll be moved permanently into the big cage. Because it gives them soooo much more room to run around :-)

Sunday morning I got up and cooked some chicken in the oven to eat for the rest of the week, then made some of the pizza bread stuff. We bought some stuff to grill but it ended up being cold and windy all weekend so we're saving it for next weekend. Put the piggies in the big cage to play again and watched football all afternoon :-) Took a quick nap then went to work.

Monday and Tuesday were pretty much just work, sleep, hang out, and still feel kinda crappy. Sigh. I've been reading again though. so yay! I just finished The Giver Quartet and The Girl on the Train and they were both pretty good. I'm thinking about starting Stephen King's 11/22/63. It's supposed to be pretty good. I have soooo many options, though! I love ebooks :-)

Other than that though, not too much going on. Tomorrow night's Powerball lottery thing is up to like 1.4 billion dollars or something ridiculous like that so we're thinking about buying a few tickets. Even if we didn't win the jackpot, anything would be nice, lol.

Pics! I'll get a better one of the cage and everything after we do our little modifications, but for now...

Piggies! The black one is Cocoa, he's the one we already had. The calico is the new one. His name was Charlie but it has...evolved to become Chewy, lol.

And, the cage! After the piggies go "home" for the night, the kitties take over. Or sometimes they don't even wait, lol. The piggies don't seem to mind sharing.

Noms for the days: Actually, yes! Monday and Tuesday :-)

Song: Barenaked Ladies - If I Had $1000000. Cause lol.

Best thing: New piggie!!

Worst thing: Everyone feels like crap now :-(


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