Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 26

Yawn. So, not really too much going on lately. Just sleep, work, hanging out with TH and TK, and trying to get over this cold or whatever the hell it is. I feel a lot better than I did but it just won't quite go away. I'm wondering if part of it might be allergies because cedar is supposed to be really bad right now. It's never really bothered me before though so who knows. TH seems to be mostly over it but TK still has some congestion and a cough. He's started taking the OTC allergy pill that TH takes to see if that helps any. So, yeah. It's all been super duper exciting, lol.

Let's see. 2 weekends ago we had the last round of NFL wildcard games, then this past Sunday we had the 2 championship games. Nothing next Sunday (well, there is the Pro Bowl, but that's only showing on ESPN so we can't watch it. Boo), then the Sunday after that (February 7) is the Super Bowl! And I requested the night off so we can just hang out all day and watch the game and stuff :-) It's going to be the Broncos and the Panthers so hopefully it'll be a good game. Then, no more football until September. Sigh :-( I dunno what the hell we're gonna do on Sundays now...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12

Holy crap I still feel like shit. Sigh. And now TK has had whatever this shit is for the last couple of days. And and and, now TH is starting to come down with it. I'm gonna be so glad when it's finally gone. We don't get sick much but it seems like when we do, it sticks around for a while. Double sigh...

So let's see. Last Friday TK and I went to HEB early then just went home and kinda hung out for a while. Seems like we actually took a nap before TH got home, lol. We thought about having my buddy from work come over to hang out but nobody really felt like it. So TH got home and we watched a movie then went on to bed.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 7

Holy crap. What a fucking week. Ok so I survived New Year's Eve at work. Barely, lol. I said I was gonna do it and I did - I brought some vodka and mixed it with a Big Gulp of Dr. Pepper so that made the night go by a little smoother, at least. TK and I had bought some of those little streamer popper thingies so I brought some up here and played with them. So that was fun :-) Got home Friday morning (finally!) and hung out with TK for a while then we got out and messed around for a while. We went to Walmart, Target, Gamestop, Toys R Us, and a little retro used video game store. We managed to find a used copy of Sonic Heroes for the GameCube pretty cheap :-) TH got home and we made dinner and watched a movie but by then I was feeling kinda crappy so I went on to bed. 

...And then Saturday morning I woke up with a fucking cold or something. So the rest of the week was pretty much just a blur of sleep, work, sleep, feel like shit, sleep, and try not to die. Including Monday, which was my birthday. Le sigh. TH and TK did actually make me a birthday cake though, which was totally a surprise. Pretty cool though :-) So now it's Thursday night and I'm finally feeling half-ass human again. I actually stayed up for a while and played some Mario Kart with TK. Yay me, lol. I'm thinking when I get off in the morning TK and I will go do a quick store run then we need to clean the house up a little bit in case my buddy from work comes over Friday night :-)