Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20

So, yeah. I'm still alive and all that shit. Just been busy and stuff. Or whatever, lol. Not really too much going on though. Mostly just work, sleep, hanging out...the usual. This past Saturday (the 19th) my mom came over and we did our little Christmas thing with her. We didn't cook a big dinner or anything though. She made a couple of mexican casserole type thingies and we made chocolate pies. So that was good :-) We did our stockings and stuff with her and gave her the Christmas present we had bought. We got her an Amazon Fire TV Stick so she can watch Hulu and Netflix and all that shit on her TV. She was quite excited :-) Then next Friday is Christmas so after TH gets home from work we'll do our little thing with presents and all that. I really hope everyone likes what they're getting!

Oh yeah. So TK doesn't work at Target anymore. Le sigh. He made it 3 or 4 days and then just couldn't handle it anymore. I guess it was just too big and busy and stressful and shit. He doesn't do well with stressful :-/ So he's been looking around for something else. Hopefully he can find something that will work out alright...

So that's really pretty much it. School is out now for like the next 2 weeks so work is busier than normal and kinda annoying. Stupid kids with nothing better to do than run around all night, lol.

Noms for the days: Kinda, then not really. So, yeah :-/

Song: AWOLNATION – Hollow Moon (Bad Wolf), I likes :-)

Best thing: Nice little Christmas thingie yesterday :-)

Worst thing: So there's this bible study group who comes in every weekend here at work. Today they stopped by and gave the guy who was working a whole bunch of shit. Some candy or whatever, a little beanie hat, and about $700 or so in gift cards and shit. I'm happy for him and everything but more than a little jealous. Sigh...


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