Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 10

Thursday night again! Holy shit finally, lol. It has been a long-ass week. And I just realized that somehow I haven't managed to write at all this week. So, yeah. Oops.

Ok so let's see. Last Friday morning I got off work and TK and I went by Walmart to pick up a few things then I dropped him off at Target for his orientation! It was supposed to be from 10-1:30 so I ran a few errands while he was there. I went to Sam's, stopped by HEB for a few things, then went home and wrapped some Christmas presents and stuff. Headed back to Target to pick him up and after waiting for a little bit he texted and said they wanted him to stay for cashier training. Ok fine. I headed home and since he would be done about the time TH would get off work, I asked TH to pick him up. I had literally just walked in the door at the house when he texted me back saying it had been canceled and he was ready to go. So, I went back to Target (again) and picked him up. Got home and played a little Fallout until TH got home, then we got to go downtown to the main transit office to get TK an ID card that shows he's eligible for the student rate bus fare. You know, since he doesn't have a student ID and shit, lol. We also went ahead and bought a month-long bus pass at the reduced rate. Unlimited rides for $31 a month. It sounds crazy but I hadn't realized how expensive the buses had gotten. I think it's like $3 a trip now for adults! Stopped by Pizza Hut on the way home because that sounded really, really good. Got home and hung out for a while then went on to bed.

So after the orientation they gave TK his schedule for the next 3 weeks. Saturday morning he was supposed to be there at 8 am so everyone got up early and TH took him to work. He texted us a couple of times during his breaks and lunch and stuff and when he got off at 4:00 he rode the bus home. While he was at work I took another nap and TH and I just kinda hung out. It was nice and quiet, lol.

Sunday he worked at noon so he rode the bus to work. TH and I watched football and then I took a quick nap before work. TK was supposed to get off at 8:00 but he called TH freaking out having a panic attack and stuff so TH went to pick him up early, around 4:30 or so. He's having a little trouble adapting to the whole working thing. It's a lot harder and more stressful than he thought it was going to be :-/ After Saturday though he was scheduled off until Friday the 11th so he had some tie to rest up and settle down a little. Hopefully...

The rest of the week was pretty much just work, sleep, hang out...the usual. Thursday I went to bed a little early and got up around 2 so TK and I could go to the bank and open checking and savings accounts for him. And of course it took for freaking ever. Finished up there and stopped by CVS for a pair of those gel insole thingies for TK so hopefully his feet won't hurt so bad after work. Grabbed some Subway for dinner and hung out with TH after he got home from work. Didn't have time for another quick nap before work so I'm kinda seriously tired tonight. Sigh. I have a couple of Monsters though so I should be alright :-)

So TK works Friday and Saturday, he's off Sunday, then works (shorter shifts) next Monday-Friday. Normally he rides the bus to and from work unless he has to be there super early or gets off really late. We do live in an ever so slightly ghetto part of town so I don't want him out by himself late at night. I have a few errands to run tomorrow though so I'll probably just go ahead and drop him off. Then...I dunno, lol. Probably sleeeeeeep :-)

Noms for the days: Not quite...

Song: Straight No Chaser - The Christmas Can-Can. This is like, the best thing ever. Of all time...

Best thing: Thursday freaking night!!!

Worst thing: Soooooooo tired...


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