Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31

Ehhhhhhhh. Friday night and it is holy crap busy at work. No parties or anything at least, so it's not as busy as it could be, but still. It's not too cool out but it's kinda muggy and really windy. I think they're calling for one more warm day tomorrow before it gets cold again sometime Sunday. So that should be fun, lol.

So I stopped by HEB on my way home this morning and didn't get home until after TK had left for school. Hung out with TH until he left for work and went to bed. I got up a little bit after TK got home, took a shower, and we played some Ghosts for a while. I had put a pork roast in the crockpot before I went to bed but it wasn't quite ready by the time TH got home so he and TK had some quick heat and eat type stuff for dinner. I had frozen wings. TH will be gone for work by the time I get home in the morning and TK will still be asleep so I'll go straight to bed. That way I can get up early enough to play with TK for a while. Oh, and clean some and do laundry and shit. Because all of that still has to be done. Sigh.

Noms for the day: Almonds and cheese for breakfast - 6 net carbs. Wings for dinner - 9 net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some leftover sausage and veggie stuff. So no more than 4 or so. Yay.

Song: Pokemon - Original PokeRap. Shut up, it's cool :-P

Best thing: One of the residents where TH works gave him a box of tomatoes today! Kinda random, lol. They're nice looking tomatoes, though :-)

Worst thing: Didn't get a whole lot of sleep so I'm kinda tired.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30

Not much going on today. Finally made it through last night, got home and got TK up and off to school, then made some breakfast and hung out with TH for a little while. Went to bed later than I thought I would and got up at 8:00. TH made sausage and roasted veggie stuff for dinner. Nom! Now I'm at work. TH is going in to work a few hours early again tomorrow so he'll be up early. I'm planning on stopping by HEB on my way home to pick up a few things, then trying to get to bed a little early so I can at least play with TK for a little bit before I come to work tomorrow night. Sigh. Think of the overtime, think of the overtime...

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 4 net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. I brought sausage and roasted veggies to work with me for when I get hungry. So no more than 8 or so, probably.

Song: R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World. Random shuffle.

Best thing: We managed to pay all but $800 on the property taxes, and figured out that with the overtime that we're working right now we'll be able to finish paying it off on the next paycheck :-)

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29

So I got to work tonight at 7:00 and holy crap has it been busy. I'm halfway through the night now and it has finally started to slow down some. I am so freaking tired of people, lol. It's kinda cold out too and for some reason I am freezing my ass off! I've been cold all day and I don't know why. Hope I'm not trying to get sick or something. That would suck.

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and went to bed pretty early. Slept until 5:00, left for work at 6:00, and got here at about 7:00. And that's pretty much it for the day. Yay?

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. I stopped at Wendy's on the way here and bought 4 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers to eat without the buns. They're 3 net carbs each, I think. I also brought some cheese, pepperoni, and almonds. Doing good!

Song: Savage Garden - I Want You. I used to listen to this album all the time when I first got my drivers license :-)

Best thing: Decent sleep today.

Worst thing: Holy crap at the people!

Okey dokeys then.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28

Holy crap. Let's see...where do I start? Last night at work my cop buddy came by after the sleet and stuff had stopped. He said he had been out driving around checking out roads and everything looked good. Sweet. About an hour later though, a whole new band of sleet and freezing rain moved through and fucked the roads all to hell. TK's school had already announced a 2 hour delay but by the time I slid my way home I decided to just keep him home. Fuck it, the roads were just too bad. And at about 8:30 this morning, after there had already been like 100 accidents, school decided to just go ahead and cancel. Fucking dumbasses. But I made it home in one piece again, yay!! And hopefully that will be the last of the icy shit until next winter, at the earliest.

So I got home this morning, woke TK up, and started downloading the new map pack for COD Ghosts. Made some breakfast and hung out with TH until he got ready to go to work then played some Ghosts with TK. I like the new maps! I didn't get to bed until after 11:00 so I'm kinda tired tonight. Got up and made some sausage and roasted cauliflower for dinner. Now I'm at work.

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27

It's cold, windy, wet, and gross outside. And the temperature has dropped enough that some areas are starting to ice over. TK's school has already announced a 2 hour delay for tomorrow. I guess though if it does get really bad they'll probably end up cancelling again. I wouldn't mind him staying home but I hope it doesn't get too bad because I'm going to have to try to drive home in this shit in the morning. Sigh. I guess we'll see what happens.

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and went to bed. TH went to work at 10 and ended up staying until 7:00. I think he's going to do the same thing tomorrow. Got up when TK got home and we played a little Minecraft. TH got home and we had leftover buffalo chicken soup for dinner and just kinda hung out until it was time for me to come to work. If I'm tired in the morning I can just go on to bed when I get home and TH can get TK off to school before he leaves for work :-) Assuming there is school, of course. If not, we can stay home and play COD Ghosts because the new map pack comes out tomorrow! It looks awesome :-)

Noms for the day: Uh, nope. Not quite yet :-/

Song: Broken Bells - Holding on for Life. Another new one.

Best thing: It wasn't icy on my way to work, at least!

Worst thing: Cramps :-(


Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26

Sunday night, again. And since we still haven't found out who's covering the other guy's vacation this week, this is either day 1 of 5, or day 1 of 12. Yay? :-/ It was pretty warm today, almost 80 in most places, but there's another cold front coming through late tonight or early tomorrow that's going to drop it back down into the 30s for a couple of days. And the best part? There's another decent chance for sleet and ice and shit Monday night/Tuesday morning. Fucking wonderful >:-( By the time I finally made it home Friday morning I told TH that if I never had to drive in fucking ice again it would be too soon. My boss managed to get here pretty close to on time because he didn't run into any traffic. I left work about 30 minutes late and it took almost an hour and a half to get home. I lost count of how many cars I passed that had slid off in the ditches. But I made it here and back, in one piece! I'm actually kinda proud of myself for that, lol.

So I finally got home Friday, hung out with TH and TK for a while (because school was cancelled) and took a nap. TH went to work and TK's buddy came over early so they hung out all day. Got up and messed with them for a little while and made some rice to go with dinner. TH got home and we had chili nachos and watched another Fast and the Furious movie. TH went to bed and I hung out with TK and his buddy for a while playing some Black Ops 2.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23

Holy fuckballs. I mean, holy fucking fuckballs. So I don't know if it has ever actually snowed yet, but we have had sleet and freezing rain since about 7 pm. That mixed with a temperature of 27 degrees (and don't forget the windchill of 17!!!!) means that the roads are absolutely fucked. I left for work about 30 minutes early and I still got here almost 2 hours late. Yeah. It took me THREE FUCKING HOURS to get to work tonight. I got stuck on one highway for almost an hour because it was iced over and they were making everyone exit, but still fucking letting people get on the onramps!!! WTF guys? Got past that and was cruising along doing fine when I ran across another bridge that was closed because someone had spun out on the ice there. Sat there for fucking ever until a cop came along and started turning people around to go a different way. I finally ended up going the long way around, past where TH works, and didn't really have any other problems. I hit a few slick spots but it wasn't too bad. I had to drive across one big bridge over the river by the dam that I know was closed earlier tonight but luckily the trucks had been there to sand it. So I'm finally here, and I lost 2 hours of pay that I can't make up because this weeks pay period ended at midnight. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I seriously need a drink now, lol.

Annnnnnd, the temperature is still dropping, it's still sleeting and shit, so now we'll see if my boss is going to be able to make it in the morning :-/ If not, I'm here until he does. I think it's supposed to warm up once the sun comes out so at least everything should melt pretty quickly. TK's school decided to just go ahead and cancel, so that's cool. More time to play! I think his buddy is going to spend the night tomorrow night so that should be fun.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22

Wednesday night. It's not too cold out yet but by the time I leave in the morning it will be cold and windy. And, they're still calling for a chance of freezing rain or snow late tomorrow evening and overnight. Possibly even by the time I'll be headed to work. So that could get interesting :-/ TH is supposed to be off tomorrow but his boss called and asked him to work 06:00-14:00 so he'll be gone by the time I get home. I'm kinda thinking about taking TK to school in the morning and going by HEB for a couple of things so I don't have to try and do it Friday. Dunno yet.

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and played a little Black Ops 2 until TH woke up. We made some breakfast and since there was no new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. we just kinda hung out for a while. I went to bed not too terribly late and got up at 6:00. TH made two more batches of the flax buns while I was asleep :-) I used the leftover chicken to make some buffalo chicken soup for dinner. I subbed cream cheese for the flour to keep it keto. It was really good!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, a flax bun, and shredded cheese. 4 or so net carbs. Lunch before I left - buffalo chicken soup. I think I figured it at around 7 per serving. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some pork rinds and tuna with me.

Song: Japandroids - The House That Heaven Built. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Good sleep again today.

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and got TK up and off to school, made some breakfast, and hung out with TH for a while. Went to bed a little later than I had planned to and got up after TK got home from school. He played some PC Minecraft and I just kinda hung out and watched some South Park. Before TH got home I made roasted cauliflower and brussells sprouts to go with the leftover chicken from Sunday night. And now I'm at work :-P

Noms for the day: 2 eggs, 6 pieces of bacon, 2 flax muffins, and shredded cheese for breakfast. 4 net carbs. Chicken with roasted veggies, shredded cheese, and ranch dressing for dinner. 8 or so, probably. Iced coffee on the way to work. 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I have leftovers from dinner.

Song: The Offspring - Pretty Fly (For a White Guy). Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Found out that my application for income-based repayment on my student loans got approved! Hopefully now I'll be able to afford the payments, lol.

Worst thing: Kinda tired tonight. Not too bad though.

Okey dokeys then.

Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20

It's super freaking windy out but it's really not that cool. Not yet, at least. So I got home this morning and everyone was asleep so I went straight to bed. It was kinda nice :-) Got up around 4:00 and watched TK play PC Minecraft for a while. He downloaded this mod called Pixelmon which is basically Minecraft with Pokemon critters instead of animals. It's awesome! We played a little bit of Xbox Minecraft until TH got home then had wings for dinner. Now I'm at work.

Other than that not really much going on today. TH said that one of the Eevees that we ordered is in the US! Hopefully it will be here soon :-)

Noms for the day: A chocolate peanut butter thingie before I went to bed - 2 net carbs. 2 flax buns with peanut butter when I got up - 5 net carbs. Frozen wings with ranch dressing for dinner - 11 or so, probably. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I have some leftover cheesy cauliflower - maybe 4 or so net carbs. Still doing good!

Song: 3OH!3 - Don't Trust Me. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Good sleep today!

Worst thing: Super windy out there tonight.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 19

Sunday night, back at work. Yeehaw. It's kinda cool tonight but not really cold or anything. I think it's supposed to get up to like 76 or so tomorrow before another front comes through tomorrow night to cool it down again. Which means it will probably be windy when I get here tomorrow night. That's always fun :-/

So Friday morning I stopped by Randall's for a few things on my way home, woke TK up, dropped him off at school, and went by HEB. TH and I decided not to go to Sam's or anything so when I got back home we made breakfast and I took a nap until TK got home from school. We did some cleaning and then watched a few episodes of Pokemon before TH got home. I made nachos for dinner and we watched Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2. It was pretty cute! TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing Minecraft.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16

Thursday night! I didn't sleep very long today but for some reason I feel pretty rested. Weird. Good, but weird. So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a while, and went to bed kinda early. I actually woke up before TK got home so TH and I made a couple of batches of the flax buns. Nom :-) Hung out with them for a while, played a little Minecraft with TK, and now I'm at work. There's a new guy supposed to come in for training tomorrow morning so he should be here before I leave.I guess he's going to be working the weekend morning shift? My boss said he would try to get here early so I don't have to entertain the new guy for too long. We'll see though. He's not exactly an early bird, lol.

I'm probably going to stop by Randall's on the way home in the morning for a couple of things that are on sale, then go by HEB after I get TK off to school. After TH gets up we might go looking around for sausage spices. I think Sprouts might be our best bet, because they have bulk spices pretty cheap. So that should be fun.

Noms for the day: Flax bun with a little peanut butter for breakfast. 3 net carbs. A lunchmeat sandwich on a flax bun and 2 cream cheese jalapeno thingies after I got up .7 or so net carbs. Iced coffee and some almonds on the way to work. 5 net carbs. If I get hungry at work I have another cream cheese thingie and some leftover sausage. Another 2 net carbs. Doing good!

Song: Florence + The Machine - No Light, No Light. Random shuffle.

Best thing: I feel much better today than I did last night!

Worst thing: I've kinda slacked off on the cleaning lately, so I really need to make myself get caught up this weekend. Sigh...


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15

Wednesday night, yay! Almost done for the week :-) It's a little cooler tonight than it was last night but there's no wind so it's not as bad. Got home this morning and woke TK up, got him off to school, and cleaned up the kitchen before TK got up. He made some breakfast and we watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hung out with him for a while and went to bed. I got up around 8:00 and he had cooked some of our homemade sausage and made some cream cheese/jalapeno muffin things for dinner. Nom :-)

Other than that not really much going on. I woke up today with stomach cramps and ever since I got to work I've been having...digestive issues, if you will. I have no idea what's causing it but it is not fun. Sigh.

Noms for the day: Breakfast: 3 eggs, 2 sausage patties, 5 slices of bacon, and shredded cheese (I was hungry, lol). 3 net carbs. 3 pieces of cheese and iced coffee on the way to work. 2 net carbs. Jalapeno cream cheese thingies and sausage when I get hungry later. Maybe 10-12? Something like that.

Song: Bear Hands - Giants. Another new one.

Best thing: Good sleep today so I'm not really tired.

Worst thing: Stomach problems :-/

Yep yep yep.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14

Not much going on today. It's a little cool and windy as hell out there tonight. I think it's gonna end up being more than a little cool by in the morning if this keeps up. I don't mind the cold but the wind freaking sucks :-/

So this morning I stopped by Randall's on my way home because we needed eggs and apples. They had their peppermint and caramel whipped creams marked down half off. They were also on sale buy one get one free so somehow I ended up getting both of them free. Score :-) Got home a little late and TH had already woken TK up. He left for school and I hung out with TH for a while then went to bed. Got up when TK got home and we played a little Minecraft. I made some chicken fajita skillet stuff for dinner. And now I'm at work. I think we're supposed to get a new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tonight so I'll probably stay up and watch that with TH in the morning.

Noms for the day: Breakfast: Tea and a toasted flax bun with peanut butter. 5 or so net carbs. Lunch when I got up - 2 flax buns with cheese and lunch meat. Another 5 or so net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. When I get hungry later I have the chicken fajita stuff that I made tonight. Probably 7-8 or so. Still doing good!

Song: Fort Minor - Remember the Name. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Free whipped creams!

Worst thing: Windy as fuck out there tonight.


Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13

I slept better today so I'm not nearly as tired tonight. Got home this morning, woke TH up, and went to bed early. He got up and got TK off to school and actually cleaned up the kitchen before he went to work! I got up a little bit after TK got home and we played Minecraft for a while. We started working on the inside of our castle. It's looking awesome :-) TH got home and we had leftover chicken stuff for dinner. And now I'm at work. It's a little cooler tonight than it was last night. Still not super busy yet either. All of the kids went back to school so it has calmed down around here a little bit. That's always good!

Noms for the day: 2 pieces of cheese before I went to bed. Some cheese, almonds, and a flax bun when I got up. 3 or so net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work. 2 net carbs. When I get hungry later I have the leftover chicken stuff. No more than 10 or so, probably.

Song: Rage Against the Machine - Testify. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Got my copy of Beautiful Katamari in the mail today! I was going to buy it for my birthday from the Xbox store while it was on sale for $10 but I missed the sale. It's normally $20. Found it on Ebay for $12 with free shipping :-)

Worst thing: Still feeling kinda crappy :-/


Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12

Sunday night, back at work. Sigh. The weekends are just way too freaking short :-( Ended up not really doing much either. Friday I got home and TH was up so I went to bed early and took a nap. He woke me up around 10:00 and we made a couple of batches of the flax buns that I mentioned last week. They're awesome! They ended up being a little smaller but a little thicker than the ones in the recipe because we used a different pan. They fit a sausage patty nicely though, and they're thick enough to slice one in half and use it as a bun. I likes! So we messed around with that, made some breakfast, and then TH went to work. I just kinda hung out until TK got home and we played some Black Ops 2 and some Minecraft for a while. I made a frozen pizza for them and tried out a new flax meal pizza crust for me. It was good! TH got home and we watched Pain and Gain for movie night. It actually ended up being pretty good. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing Minecraft.

Saturday we slept kinda late then did some laundry, cleaning, blah blah blah. We basically just kinda hung out and played some video games until time for TH to get home. TH and TK had burgers and mashed potatoes for dinner and I nuked some frozen wings. We watched The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. It wasn't the best copy but it was good enough to see what was going on. I liked it but I wasn't crazy about the ending. I was kinda tired so I went to bed when TH did.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9

Finally Thursday night! I went to bed a lot earlier this morning so I'm not nearly as tired as I was last night. Got home this morning and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a little while, and went to bed. I got up at about 5:00 and had time to play some Black Ops 2 with TK before work. TH made dinner - stuffed jalapenos and some of the sausage that we made. The sausage turned out really good, especially for just kinda throwing it all together. Definitely not bad for our first try :-)

It's been all squishy and foggy today and they're calling for pretty much the same thing in the morning. I'll probably get TK off to school and go by HEB for a couple of things. Then, since the pan and the flax meal that I had ordered from Amazon showed up today, I'm going to try to make these flax buns. Should be interesting! The neighbor asked me to go to a movie with her this weekend but I kinda think I would rather just stay home. Dunno yet though.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. A couple of pieces of cheese when I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. Salad with spinach, shredded cheese, dressing, and bacon bits when I got here. 6 or so net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought the sausage and stuffed jalapenos. Probably another 6-8 or so?

Song: White Denim - Pretty Green. A new one tonight!

Best thing: It's Thursday night!!

Worst thing: Found out that TH didn't get enough loan money to pay the property taxes like we thought he would. So now we have to set up a payment plan :-/


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. Got home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, then TH and I watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I was still awake after that so we watched Carrie. It was pretty good. It followed the original nicely. Went to bed later than I really should have and got up around 8:00. TH said he thought about making dinner but he and TK decided they wanted Whataburger instead. So they had that and I stopped by Wendy's on my way to work and got a couple of Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers. I pull the buns off and stick them together so it's like a meatburger type thing. Nom.

It's not very cold tonight but it's been drizzly and foggy all day. It's all gross and squishy out there. I'm kinda thinking that if I'm still as tired in the morning as I am right now I may go on to bed early and let TH get up with TK. Dunno yet. I don't really have anything else planned for tomorrow.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, shredded cheese, and guacamole. 6 or so, I think. Almonds and pepperoni when I woke up - 4 net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. 2 JBC's (no bun) when I got here - 6 net carbs. If I get hungry later I have 2 more burgers in the fridge. Still doing good, and I'm back down 11 pounds from when I restarted last Monday :-)

Song: Young the Giant - It's About Time. Random shuffle yet again.

Best thing: My necklaces came today!! They're sooooo freaking cute :-)

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7

Not much going on today. I almost froze my freaking ass off at work last night though. By the time I left this morning it was down to like 18. I heard that it hit 12 degrees at the airport, breaking the record from like 1970 or something. So yeah, it was a little cool this morning! It's much warmer tonight. It's only supposed to get down to like 34, lol.

I got home and TH was awake so I just went on to bed. He got up and got TK off to school. I woke up when TK got home but a couple of his buddies came over so I just kinda hung out in my room. After they left we played Minecraft for a little while until TH got home. We still had leftover stuff for dinner so I didn't have to cook :-)

Noms for the day: Nothing when I got home. Almonds, cheese, and pepperoni when I got up. About 5 or so net carbs. Oh, and a brownie :-) So 3 more. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. I wasn't hungry before I left but I have leftover cauliflower/tuna/alfredo stuff here at work for later. I think I figured it at around 12 or so? So still doing good!

Song: Ghostland Observatory - Sad Sad City. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Got my Minecraft diamond earrings!! They are awesome :-)

Worst thing: Feet are still kinda sore :-(


Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6

Well I'm just off to a great start, huh? I forget exactly why I ended up not writing Thursday night. It seems like it was still pretty busy, and then I spent a couple of hours playing Garry's Mod with TK so I guess that was it. Dunno. So I went home Friday morning and took a quick nap while everyone was still asleep, then got up and we all went to Sam's. Got home and ate some lunch then TH went to work and TK and I went by HEB for a few things and went to feed the ducks. So that was fun :-) Got home and played a little until TH got home, then made nachos for dinner (pork rind nachos for me) and watched another Fast and the Furious movie. I was pretty tired so I went to bed when TH did.

Saturday we got up fairly early and I did some cleaning and started the laundry. We took down all of the Christmas decorations and packed them up. We did leave the lights around the dining room window, though. Cause why not, lol. TK helped me make some keto brownies because it was my birthday! Yay :-) We just kinda hung out and played until TH got home. I made a frozen pizza for them, I had pork rind pizza nachos, and we finished watching another one of the Fast and the Furious movies. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing Minecraft and stuff.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1

I am so freaking tired tonight. The other guy at work called in sick so I came in 2 hours early tonight. After as busy as it was last night and the extra time tonight standing outside, my feet are killing me. But at least it's Wednesday so only one more night to go. And hey, it's overtime. Actually since today is New Year's Day, it should be overtime and holiday pay. Sweet!

Got home this morning and TH was awake so I hung out with him for a little bit and went to bed. Got up around 3:00 and we stuffed the sausages! It was...interesting, lol. TH did the feeding it into the mixer part and I controlled it as it was coming off of the tube. We had a little trouble with the meat sticking to everything as it went down into the grinder, and we couldn't really figure out how to twist them into individual links so that they would stay separated. Other than that though, it's sausage! And it looks awesome :-) I think it's just going to take a little practice. We had just a little meat left over so we fried it up as patties and it tastes good, too! Definitely not bad for our first try. Finished that up and took a shower, then hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. Early. Yuck. TK's buddy is spending the night again tonight and he showed up right before I left. And when I left they were in the game room playing video games. So TK's wrist is much better than it was even earlier today :-)