Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 19

Woo-fucking-hoo. So yeah, same shit different day, lol. I did end up working both of my days off this past week so right now I'm on day 10 of...? Hopefully Thursday will be the last one and I'll have a whole weekend off for the first time in what seems like forever. They hired  new girl to fill the weekend night shifts. She started last weekend but worked a couple of the open day shifts since we didn't have anyone else to do them. And I refuse to work days, lol. They've hired another girl for the last 4 open days, and she's supposed to be here Thursday for training. So as long as nobody flakes the fuck out, we should be good for a while. The new boss lady's still kind of annoying, and she and the other guy here aren't really getting along, so there's been a lot of drama and shit. It's exhausting, lol. I'm just trying to stay out of it all, do my shit, and go home...

And that's pretty much it. Yayyyyyyy....

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