Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 30

Welp, still alive over here. Still (mostly) tracking stuff on MFP and doing alright. Just really haven't had much to say lately. TK started school last week. We're doing a slightly more relaxed version of the online stuff that we did last year. So far it seems to be going well. There was a big stink or whatever for a little while about what to do with my dad. We finally just decided on doing the cremation and having his ashes sent here. We still need to figure out if we're doing some kind of service or whatever but I guess we'll just wait and see what happens. So, yeah. That's pretty much it...

Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 9

So, I found out Friday afternoon that my dad died one day last week. And I really don't know how I feel about it...

He had been living off by himself in a different state for the last 10 years or so, ever since my mom got tired of his shit and moved out here with us. He showed up here a few years ago and stirred up all kinds of shit but then just kinda dropped off the radar. Nobody has heard anything from him since, so we really didn't even know if he was still around or not. Then the nursing home that he ended up in called the other day to tell us that he was gone. So, yeah...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

August 2

Sunday night, back at work. And holy crap somehow it's August already! That means there's only about 3 weeks until these little fuckers here at work go back to school and it calms down a little bit. I seriously cannot wait. We also need to figure out for sure what we're doing about school for TK. I definitely don't want to send him back to public school since the school district here is a joke. Last year we tried an online charter school but actually ended up pulling him out towards the end of the year because there was still just too much bs. I'm thinking about looking around at some of the homeschool curriculum to see what all is available. I dunno. We've got a few weeks to think about it.

So let's see. Last week was pretty much work, sleep, and hang out with TH and TK again. Thursday afternoon I got up early so TK and I could play some Destiny with my boss dude, the other guy from work, and a couple of random dudes we found online. We're working on doing some of the raids (the big boss fights) that require 6 people so it takes a little planning and shit to get everyone together. But we did it and completed one of the three so that was cool :-) Friday morning as soon as I got home TK and I went swimming! We have this huge spring-fed swimming pool near downtown that opens at like 5 am, and before 8:00 there are no life guards on duty so there's no entry fee, which is awesome. One side is concrete like a regular swimming pool but the bottom and the rest of the sides are natural limestone so there's a little bit of algae and stuff. We didn't venture down to the deep end but there's supposed to be fish and stuff living down there. And, the water is freaking cold! Since it's spring-fed it stays a constant 68ยบ year-round. It's awesome :-) So we swam for a while, went by Randall's to pick up a couple of things, went to Target to look at toys and stuff, then went to Walmart for a few grocery type things and new shoes for work. Oh, and stopped by Gamestop to drool a little bit, lol. Got home and played a little while until TH got home, hung out with him until it cooled off a little bit outside, grilled some steaks that we found on sale, watched a movie, then went on to bed.